Last I wrote, I was participating in Nerd Wars.
Round 1 has passed, and we're now nearly finished round 2. I thought I'd update my progress for round 1!
I managed to complete four of the five challenges, and still work on my dissertation (which I'll update about at the end of the month).
Discovery Challenge: GOING STRATOSPHERIC
Your challenge this month is to craft something inspired by an atmospheric phenomenon. If it’s something you can see in the sky that isn’t man-made, a flying beastie, or in space, it’s atmospheric! For example:
• Crochet a rainbow-coloured shrug, inspired by the spectrum you see in a rainbow.
• Spin some yarn and ply it, to represent the twisting air in a dust devil.
• Weave a scarf in the colours of the aurora borealis or australis.
• Knit a shawl which evokes the shapes of angel ladders/crepuscular rays.
Possible points: 13, 10 for challenge and 3 for team spirit
Project page link if possible: Building Blocks of Man
My project represents the beautiful northern lights, with the variety of colour they desplay, as well as unusual patterns the imprint on the night sky - some times straight lines, some wavy, others beautiful blends that don’t seem to have a start or end.
Team spirit: I chose to make socks as an homage to Pinkie Pie’s Nightmare Night costume, a chicken… in which she wars ‘socks’
I was awarded the full 13 points.
Nerdology: What the heck is a larp?
Your challenge this round is to craft something inspired by the character you would LARP as.
Possible points: 13, 10 for challenge and 3 for team spirit
Project page: Autum Leaves Scarfette
This project was inspired by the russet brown coppery colour of the yarn, reminding me of a tree. I scoured ravelry for the perfect pattern that reminded me of trees and leaves. How is this a LARP? Well, at some point Fluttershy wanted to be a tree! And another episode, she actually dresses like a tree, another she dresses as a log!
Team spirit:

I was awarded the full 13 points.
Giving Geeks: Fear has it's use
Mahatma Gandhi said “Fear has its use, but cowardice has none.” Let us use our fears as a force for good. With the “scary” time of Halloween approaching, with its ghouls, ghosts and goblins, let us bravely venture forth and do some good.
Possible points: 13, 10 for challenge and 3 for team spirit

I’ve donated to the Ospca, as I love animals and feel they need to be treated with love and kindness. Just this year, I fostered and adopted an abused cat, who was left out on the streets to fend for himself. He had a very real fear of not being able to survive on his own - when I got him, his fur was slick with car oil, he was skin and bones, and was terrified of people. Now with love and care, he’s a thriving house cat. I hoped to help with my donation so that many animals may be helped and relieved of their fears as well. One day, I hope to own a ranch, where I can adopt more animals that may not otherwise have a chance at having a loving family.

Team spirit:
Fluttershy loves all animals and takes care of them whenever possible.
Flexible Schedule: Wear something gaudy:
Your challenge this month is to craft something colourful, something bold or fun, or something larger than life.
Possible points: 5 for each project (up to 2) and 3 for team spirit
Project page: Now I can Be a Uni-Horn!
This hat is sure to draw attention from onlookers. How often do you get to see a unicorn?
Team spirit: For Nightmare Night (mlp Halloween) I’m taking out my friend’s daughter to trick or treat (well at least the beginning of the night before the adult fun kicks in!), and decided I was going to be an original pony (unicorn) as she’s going as Twilight Sparkle. The colours were originally inspired by Princess Cadence:
I was awarded 8 points.
Round 2 ends on November 28, so I should update shortly after that with my round 2 stats!
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