This round was the mid-way check in point. I hit the mark, and was able to submit it on time:
a photo of the current status:
A written update: I’m exactly half way through this shawl (half way through chart 3 of 5). Unfortunately I can’t get a proper picture without putting it on a life line and pinning it out (I’ve never used a life line and don’t plan on starting now!). Currently measures about 13” in length, not sure of the wingspan though.
Flexible Schedule:
November 21 is False Confession Day. Whether you did it or not, we want to hear about it! So this month to celebrate, you can make up any story you like, no matter how crazy; as long as it’s false.
Let’s be careful though, we don’t want you to confess anything that might really get you or others in trouble (we don’t want to know about that body in your back yard).
Base points for completion: 5 for each project
Maximum Team Spirit points: 3
Project #1
What craft was used? Knitting
Project page link if possible: Double Bubble, Toil and Trouble
This is not a pair of socks, but a cauldron I found while wondering the Everfree forest. It has a fancy camouflage button that turns it into something wearable for transporting it - none will be the wiser!
Team spirit: There are quite a few cauldrons in My little pony, including the ones Zecora uses, and the one Rainbow Dash was almost cooked in.
What craft was used? Knitting
Project page link if possible: Neon Jester Hat
This hat came to me while a random jester hopped out of the cauldron above, started singing quite off key, and then jumped back into the cauldron! All she left was her hat! I have a feeling this show was for someone else, to keep them distracted; and when she saw I was not who she was expecting, she quickly made her escape.
Team spirit: Inspired by the outfit Pinkie Pie wears while entertaining at the Crystal Empire.
Total Points Awarded: 13
I AM A NERD! Say it loud and say it proud!
There is always the one moment in time that if we look back we realize we have been nerdy for a very long time. You were probably nerdy before you even realized you were nerdy. We want to know which of the other team nerdoms (not your own team nerdery) that had made you wave your nerd flag.
Craft something inspired by a different team’s nerdery that brought out your flag! Wave your Nerd Flag high!!
Base points for completion: 13 Team Spirit points: 3
Project page link:Kresh n Tank
I had a hard time choosing which other team I should choose! I have strong affiliations with so many nerdy teams, but after realizing most of the time my knitting breaks are interrupted by gaming, I knew I had to go with team 1-up.
I love to play wow. The yarn colour was chosen for the night elves, like the one above.
The pattern tie in is for the optional boss Kresh, a turtle/tortoise that drops a tank shield in wailing caverns.
Team spirit: My team spirit tie in is Tank, Rainbow Dash’s pet tortoise. I chose him, not only because he’s a turtle, but because his name is Tank (and as previously mentioned, Kresh drops a tank shield, that looks like a tortoise shell).
Points Awarded: 16
In popular music, a cover version or cover song is a new performance or recording of a previously recorded song. This may mean an artist performing a different rendition of another artist’s track, or an artist creating a different version of their own track (such as with MTV Unplugged).
Your challenge this month is to take inspiration from an existing craft project - either one of yours or someone else’s - and craft something new.
Base points for completion: 13
Team Spirit points: 3
Project page link:Fairy Cuff
I made the Yarn Fairy’s Beaded Bracelet for my Discovery challenge, and wanted to do a cover on it.
Team spirit: For team spirit and team unity, this pattern choice was influenced my the hoof-wrestle in the episode Fall Weather Friends. The lace angles on either side of the center represent the angles of the arm (hooves) while they wrestle. And the yarn is for Rainbow Dash’s coat; as of the two ponies this episode centers around, she would have to be my favourite choice.
Points Awarded: 16
Each year deciduous trees lose their foliage. In the temperate northern hemisphere this is happening now, and the leaves are turning the most amazing colours before they fall.
These colours we see and love are due to the tree withdrawing green chlorophyll from the leaves and two groups of chemicals being revealed: the carotenoids (the yellows, oranges and browns) and the anthocyanins (reds and purples).
These two groups of chemicals are responsible for many of the colours we see all around us from carrots, salmon, apricots and flamingos to red cabbage, purple pansies and geraniums.
Your challenge this month is to craft something in the colours of carotenoids or/and anthocyanins.
Base points for completion: 13
Team Spirit points: 3
Project page:Fall Weather Friendship bracelet
The yarn I chose represents the change in colour of the falling leaves.
Team spirit: For both team spirit and team unity, Fall Weather Friends was the inspiration for the colour choice for this project; specifically this picture:
Points awarded: 16
Giving Geeks:
“A person’s a person, no matter how small.” Dr. Suess.
Children are often the most vulnerable in society. They do not have the resources to care for themselves, so must rely on others to help them.
Show the smallest among us that you care. Give to a group that brings joy or help to children in need.
Base points for completion: 13
Team Spirit points: 3

Today I donated to Give Kids The World.
I frequently donate to these children’s health boxes at restaurants and coffee shops. I was mid-way putting in this time’s donation and thought about the challenge, so snapped a pic!
Team spirit:
If we could have enough donations, we could make every child on their list smile like these three ponies! (Cutie Mark Crusaders, equivalent to “child age” ponies.)
Points Awarded: 16.
Round 3 starts in a few hours, so I look forward to seeing what challenges they've come up with!